Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's a neeeeew car!!

We have a new car!! My first ever - brand spanking new car at the ripe old age of 38! Not a demo model like Golfie but a brand new car. Snaps to me and Burnsie, we are so grown up.

Do you know what sucks about having a new car? Burnsie takes the new car every day. Ok, so his office is on the Central Coast so he drives 3 hours per day - hence the new car. First world problem...

I can't complain, I so love having my own car again. It means I don't have to run/power walk from the station to day care to pick up Ava, then race home whilst trying to spot cockatoos, discuss the position of the moon, negotiate riding in the pram over walking while carrying a backpack, handbag, various artwork and a handful of MUST HAVE gumnuts. It means that Ava and I get home by 6 and can leisurely cook dinner together rather than me frantically throw some food into a pan while Ava is planted infront of the TV for 20 minutes before being dragged to the table to inhale her food, then dragged into the bath.

Whilst driving 5 minutes to the station is not my greenest behaviour, it's amazing how much a little extra time can bring so much peace to one family. Call me a hypocrite, but sometimes it's not easy being green.

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