All is well with our peanut following our OB appointment yesterday and we got to see the little one on the big big screen which is always a thrill. However he/she is no longer a peanut and now looks like a real life baby. OMG I am carrying a real life baby!!
Our OB Stephen went through all the usual questions about how I'm feeling etc and I filled him in on my unlucky run-in with a dodgy sausage roll and the horrific aftermath of that! We also discussed the swine flu vaccination, which I am still undecided on and then it was time to see the babe.
Before the scan Stephen asked us if we wanted to know the sex. Of course I immediately shrieked "YES, tell me now???" I could not contain my excitement. Then I remembered I was there with my husband so I asked Brett, have you decided yet? He ummed and ahhed and said sure why not, I might as well find out. Stephen suggested he shouldn't find out if he wasn't sure but Brett said go ahead.
He firstly checked the heart beat and measurements which were all perfect and on track according to my due date! Stephen asked if I'd felt movement. Not yet, just a bit of gas and some stretching pains as the baby grows. I apparently have a real fidget in my belly, the babe did not sit still for the whole scan!
So after a few waves and kicks from our very active baby, Stephen poked and prodded my expanding tummy to find the right position to reveal the sex. Only to discover it was not clear... BUGGER! I now have to wait for the 19 week scan and Brett gets another 4 weeks to umm and ahh over whether to find out or not. Fate he says...poor Burnsy really doesn't like being caught off guard.
I'd post a picture but they are all a bit fuzzy I'm afraid. The 3D pictures make our baby look like the chiko baby lollies I used to love as a kid. So I will wait for the 19 week scan at the hospital to post the fancy pants scan that cost us an arm and a leg. Oh the wonders of the digital age!!