The last 10 days are a bit of a blur, but I stare into the face of our beautiful little girl and know I am the luckiest person in the whole world. It's all very surreal and amazing and I still can't really comprehend the fact that I am now a Mum.
It was Wednesday night at my now weekly OB appointment when Dr Morris announced, you are having this baby on Friday.... We had been given a heads the week before that we might go earlier than 26th March however the reality of having a baby hit us like a tonne of bricks. We kinda freaked out.
Ava was born early at 37 weeks as she had moved from breech to transverse position (head up to sideways) and the cord had dropped underneath her and was sitting above the cervix. This would have been incredibly dangerous for Ava had my waters broken, so there was no question about going a bit early, even if it meant Brett was going to miss the first rugby game of the season...
Instead of getting facials and taking afternoon nana naps like I had planned after finishing work, the next few days were spent manically preparing last minute bits and bobs and registering for the operation and hospital stay. Luckily my amazing Mum came up on Thursday morning to help me while Brett finished up everything at work.
Leaving the house on Friday was so exciting and strange knowing than in just a few hours we'd be parents. And we were in for quite an adventure!!
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